7 Steps to Free Yourself From Emotional Abuse

ellyn bell
8 min readNov 6, 2022
woman sad because of being mistreated

You saddle up next to your honey in the car. You're off to a much needed romantic night out dancing. You look fabulous. You feel excited and ready to get moving on the floor. You smile at the possibility of a good evening.

On the ride to the club, your partner chides you on your appearance, just a little, but enough to make you wonder if you really do look so fabulous. You're used to this though, so you let a small thing go. You really want to have a good time tonight.

At the club, you’re both enjoying yourselves. Laughing, having a couple of drinks, enjoying the music, and then — everything changes. Your partner stomps off the dance floor angrily and gives you the silent treatment. Your heart sinks. You try to appease them and apologize for whatever you might’ve done wrong. You try to figure out what is going on. You cajole and encourage without luck. You’re blindsided again.

Your partner walks out. You follow, still trying to fix the situation. On the ride home, they accuse you of flirting with someone on the dance floor. You deny it. It isn’t true. Then the insults come, one after another and completely unrelated to the evening.

You feel devastated. You feel defeated. You’re exhausted, but you can’t sleep.



ellyn bell

servant of social good; practical mystic; making kindness and good manners popular again.